What other issues should you pay attention to when purchasing office chairs?

When companies purchase new office chairs, they will wonder what kind of office chair is a good office chair. For employees, a comfortable office chair can improve work efficiency, but there are so many styles of office chairs, how to choose? Here are some issues that need to be paid attention to in addition to conventional methods. Friends in need can refer to them.

1. chair slope

Although the impression of office chairs seems to be that the seat cushion and backrest are at an angle of 90 degrees, in fact most of them are slightly backwards, allowing the person to sit securely on the chair. Office chairs with more leisure functions have a steeper slope, making people sit on them as if they are lying on a chair.

2. Softness of the chair

Pay attention to the softness of the chair cushions and backrest for comfort. If it is an office chair that does not have a seat cushion or backrest, just look at the hardness of the material itself. For additional parts, you should pay attention to the internal filling used and try out how it feels after sitting on it.

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3. chair stability

Pay attention to the handling of the structural details of the chair to know its stability. Especially for chairs such as single chairs, which are mainly supported by the chair legs, more attention should be paid to structural problems, such as checking the joints such as clamps and screws, which are very important. It is recommended that when purchasing, users try to sit on it in person and shake their body slightly to experience the stability of the chair.

If you would like to choose a suitable and comfortable office chair, please contact us and let us know. We have nearly 10 years of experience and accumulation in the industry. GDHERO can help you choose the most suitable and comfortable office chair.

Post time: Nov-16-2023